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Bill Cosby, on his return to Detroit talks with Thirkell Elementary School 4th graders, Onyx Burch and Courtney during a DPS taping on Sunday, September 13, 2009. (Photo by HB Meeks/Tell Us Detroit)


Bill Cosby Returning to Detroit Sunday

DETROIT (Tell Us Det) - Celebrated educator, actor, activist and comedian Dr. Bill Cosby, returned to Detroit Sunday to promote increased student attendance in the city's troubled public school system.

Dr. Cosby is also touting the Detroit Public Library and Wayne County Community College District. He created Public Service Announcements for each of the three agencies inside the Detroit Public Library – main library branch, 5201 Woodward Avenue.

Dr. Cosby is returning less than two weeks after teaming up with DPS Emergency Financial Manager Robert Bobb on September 1, in efforts to retain and regain school-aged children for DPS. No DPS funds will be used to pay Cosby’s expenses.

Dr. Bill Cosby, on his return to Detroit talks with the mothers of Thirkell Elementary School 4th graders, Onyx Burch and Courtney during a DPS taping on Sunday, September 13, 2009. (Photo by HB Meeks/Tell Us Detroit)

“While we have been excited about the level of attention our enrollment campaign has garnered, I could not have predicted the enormously important impact Dr. Cosby’s visit had on parents throughout our community,” Bobb said. “His words speaking directly to them – both via the television cameras and face-to-face on the streets of Detroit – resonated in ways that we continue to hear about every day. We thank Dr. Cosby for his continued interest in DPS and Detroit’s assets, like the Detroit Public Library and Wayne County Community College District.”

Bill Cosby says Detroiters must take responsibility for improving their city - and told kids "books are more fun" than toys.
(Photo by HB Meeks/Tell Us Detroit)

Cosby first volunteered to assist DPS after being impressed with CNN coverage on the indictment of DPS’ workers for fraud and theft.

On hearing Robert Bobb’s comments, "I don't care if the crook is a little guy or the chief executive. I do not care if they own the company or drive the trucks to the company's loading dock. I do not care if they've been doing this for 20 years or 20 minutes. We're coming to get you," Cosby called Bobb and said, “Where do I pick up my uniform? I want to be on your team!”

