Hill Harper, a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Michigan, proudly announces that he has received an endorsement from the Detroit District Area Local 295 of the American Postal Workers Union
   American Postal Workers Union Detroit District Area Local 295 endorses US Senate candidate Hill Harper

By Wendell Bryant

DETROIT - Hill Harper, a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Michigan, has announced that he recently received the endorsement of the American Postal Workers Union Detroit District Area Local 295 (APWU DDAL 295). This union represents 1,500 postal workers in Southeast Michigan, including many veterans. It advocates for fair pay, benefits, safe working conditions, and respect for postal workers and all workers. Keith M. Combs Sr., President of the APWU DDAL 295, gave the endorsement and expressed his full support for Hill Harper.

Combs stated that Harper is the type of leader Michiganders need. He is committed to fighting for women's rights, cares more about children than weapons, is a great motivator of youth, and is a fighter for the people. The APWU DDAL 295 endorsement is an addition to the strong base of unions and workers supporting Hill Harper as Michigan’s next Senator.

Harper expressed his appreciation for the endorsement and acknowledged the critical role that postal workers play in serving the public and keeping people connected. He promised to bring the same level of dedication and service-driven work to the Senate if elected.

Harper has a diverse background as a lawyer, actor, union leader, and single father who owns a popular coffee shop in Detroit. He is committed to public service and aims to provide Michiganders with economic security, safe and thriving communities, and real representation that prioritizes people over lobbyists and wealthy donors. Harper's Senate run is driven by the recognition that we need elected leaders who prioritize public service over personal ambition.

Apart from the APWU DDAL 295 endorsement, Harper has also received the support of other unions, including IATSE Local 26. His campaign is gaining momentum as more people recognize his leadership qualities and his commitment to serving the public.



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