The biggest difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump…is that our president believes in people enough to invest in their future," said Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II.
  Biden-Harris campaign starts Black Voters initiative in Detroit

Posted by Jean Davis

DETROIT - On June 4, at Dr. LaVonne M. Sheffield Bridge Center in Detroit, Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II, Speaker of the House Joe Tate, former HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, and State Senator Sylvia Santana, joined local community members in Detroit, to celebrate the launch of Black Voters for Biden-Harris, a national organizing program to strengthen our ongoing historic investments in outreach to Black voters – the backbone of the Biden-Harris coalition.

Black voters played a key role in securing Michigan for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020, and they are expected to do so again in 2024. They recognize that this administration has delivered on its promises, from achieving a record-low Black unemployment rate and improving healthcare coverage for Black Americans, to forgiving billions in student-loan debt. Conversely, Donald Trump's presidency saw a spike in Black unemployment rates and uninsured rates, along with policies that exacerbated the racial wealth gap, threatening to repeal Obamacare and strip health care from millions of Black Americans.

"The biggest difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump…is that our president believes in people enough to invest in their future," said Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II. "It's dangerous for the Black community for Donald Trump to be president…It's up to Black folks to make a decision about how we are going to show up and put our stamp on today and our country. This election is the right vehicle to do that. Because there is no answer to a question that will advance our people that includes Donald Trump."

"[Donald Trump] is a racist…He is a person that we cannot trust and we should not let be in power," said former HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge. “Today, Black unemployment rates are down. Black wealth is up 60 percent [since before the pandemic]. Broadband and high-speed internet are more affordable…We have $35 insulin today, and health insurance for more Black people than in the history of this country…There’s a lot of things that need to be done, and I do know they’re working to do it. But what I do know is this: The best way to predict the future is to create it, and that is why I’m riding with Biden.”

"One of two things [is] going to happen in five months. There’s either going to be a reawakening of democracy, or there’s going to be a retreat from democracy," said Speaker Joe Tate. "There are people in this room and people in our community and in the Black community that are going to determine whether Joe Biden comes back in another four years, or as Reverend Sheffield said, we’re going to have a retreat of democracy if we aren’t engaged."

"As a state senator, I can tell you that this administration has done so many things to help our community, to ensure we have a legacy that we can continue," said State Senator Sylvia Santana. “Under the Trump administration, we have seen where our folks have died during this pandemic because he did not take us seriously. We’ve seen where Black home businesses have suffered because he did not take us seriously…[Under President Biden], we have seen across Detroit where Black businesses like mine are popping up each and every day…We have seen where the Big Three automotive companies have taken a liberty to continue to invest in our state…[In] leadership across our country, we have seen where we have the first Black woman vice president sitting at the table, and the first Black [woman] Supreme Court Justice sitting at the table.”

"Under President Biden, my business has been thriving," said small business owner Nya Marshall. "Many doors have been opening for [small business owners] that were simply not open before and that’s also the reason why I’m voting for President Biden."



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