Joe Biden is fighting for higher pay for workers in this country. Donald Trump doesn't hide it. He openly says ‘I'm going to rollback the taxes on the corporations and approve the big mergers,’” said Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan. (Photo by HB Meeks/Tell Us USA News Network)



  “[Under Trump], there was a whole period of time of nothing … ‘I'm going to sign the infrastructure bill.’ ‘I'm going to rebuild America.’ It didn't happen,’” said Paul VanOss, Business Manager of IBEW Local 58. “But when Biden got there, he started making that happen, and the role continued.” (Photo by HB Meeks/Tell Us USA News Network)
  Detroit Mayor Duggan and Union Leaders criticize Trump for job losses and increased costs

By Wendell Bryant

DETROIT - A day before the presidential debate, Mayor Mike Duggan joined local union leaders for a roundtable to highlight how President Biden has delivered for working Michiganders where Trump failed.

In office, Trump left our economy in shambles and raised costs — from trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would force Michiganders to pay thousands of dollars more per year for health care coverage, to overseeing the loss of over 280,000 Michigan jobs, and leaving small businesses shuttered due to his failed COVID-19 response. In stark contrast, President Biden has delivered for working Michiganders — from lowering prescription drug costs and helping create over 400,000 new Michigan jobs to walking the picket lines with UAW workers in Wayne County.

“If we don't take advantage of this opportunity [under President Biden], we may not see it again,” said Mikyia S. Aaron, Secretary-Treasurer Laborers Local 1191. “We have a person running for president [Trump] who has said ‘my goal will be to dismantle unions.” (Photo by HB Meeks/Tell Us USA News Network)

“Joe Biden is fighting for higher pay for workers in this country. Donald Trump doesn't hide it. He openly says ‘I'm going to rollback the taxes on the corporations and approve the big mergers,’” said Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan. “[Trump told us] no more federal money … Then you got president [Biden] who remarkably gets a bipartisan infrastructure deal, who is building roads and water systems across this country, which put a whole lot of your members to work.”

“I [have known] Joe Biden since I was 28 years old. He’s sided with unions every step of the way in every elected office he ever took,” said Kevin Moore, President of Teamsters Local 299. “He's the greatest labor president in the history of America.” (Photo by HB Meeks/Tell Us USA News Network)



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