Rep. Rashida Tlaib urges Michigan Democrats to vote 'uncommitted' in protest of Biden in upcoming primary

By Patricia Garcia

DEARBORN, MI - Heading toward the March 2024 presidential primary, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)encouraged people to vote "uncommitted" during early voting and shared the moment on social media.

Tlaib, the first Palestinian American woman to serve in Congress, expressed her frustration with the government's lack of consideration toward her community. She urged people to vote uncommitted if they wanted their voices to be heard.

The video of Tlaib was posted on the X "Listen to Michigan" account, which is a group advocating for voters to vote "uncommitted" rather than for Biden in the state's Democratic presidential primary on Feb. 27. Tlaib joined progressive activists in Michigan in endorsing this call to action.

President Joe Biden is facing criticism from his own party over his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, with calls for a ceasefire.

Michigan is home to a significant number of Arab Americans and Muslims, making it one of the largest populations of its kind in the United States. Democrats are concerned about the possibility of alienating this essential group of people, as they fear it could harm the President's chances of winning the state in the upcoming election. Michigan was a crucial state that contributed to the President's victory in 2020, and it is expected to be a close battleground again in November.

Administration officials held a meeting with Arab American leaders in Michigan earlier in February in an effort to address the backlash from a significant portion of the president’s supporters against his pro-Israel stance during the ongoing conflict and his reluctance to publicly urge a ceasefire. Some attendees expressed dissatisfaction with the outcome of the meeting, with a Listen to Michigan spokesperson stating that the group was "once again disappointed with the Biden administration's failure to call for an immediate ceasefire that could save lives."

Eight months before American voters decide whether to grant President Biden a second term in the Oval Office, he struggles in the polls. Those who were most supportive of him at the beginning of his term have now beginning to turn against him.



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